About Us

Who am I? I’ll ask the questions.

Who do you think would foresee an outrageous demand for men’s’ fashion inspired by Tyler Durden and the entire thematic impact of Fight Club?

That’s right. I’m one of you. A hard-core fan who felt the pure energy and power, spilling from the imagery of the movie, that was so skillfully captured in the wardrobe of the man himself, Tyler Durden.

I, and I’m sure a lot of you, looked high and low for an accurate red leather Fight Club style retro jacket, but all I found were pretty lame wannabe jackets that, frankly speaking, just didn’t cut the mustard.

Guys like us, world-wide, faced frustration and the bitter sting of defeat before finally giving up our dreams of owning our own sweet-a$$ed Tyler Durden special.

That changes NOW ! You can be wearing your own genuine replica retro style jacket before you know it.

Shoot us out your order and we’ll zing a fresh one straight out to you. Press the purchase button.

You know you wanna……

Inquiries to fightclubjacket@gmail.com
